9th October: Day 7
Today: 12 miles – 4,375ft ascent; Cumulative: 127 miles, 35,855ft ascent
He said ‘a storm is coming’
10th October: Day 8
Today: 23 miles – 7,405ft ascent; Cumulative: 150 miles, 43,260ft ascent
11th October: Day 9
Today: 13 miles – 5,092ft ascent; Cumulative: 163 miles, 48,352ft ascent
12th October: Day 10
Today: 16 miles – 6,762ft ascent; Cumulative: 179 miles, 55,114ft ascent
Switchbacks up the centre of the photo, and then over the pass, which is the notch at the top, right of centre.
Vignemale – 10,820ft (to the summit, which I didn’ go to)
At the top of the pass.
13th October: Day 11
Today: 14 miles – 3,167ft ascent; Cumulative: 193miles, 58,281ft ascent
14th & 15th October: Day 12 & 13
The amphitheatre – you can see where the waterfall/river stopped me, and I turned back to find somewhere to put up my tent.
The next morning. The ground was white, the air was white, the sound was sort of deadened. Even though little light was getting through, I had to put sunglasses on to try to help distinguish ground from air – I just walked straight into things a few times.
Phew, escaped – 5 miles on from the amphitheatre, now out of the snow.
16th & 17th October: Day 14 & 15
18th October: Day 16
19th October: Day 17
End of part 1 of the High Pyrenees.